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This application in not needed when rsync is configured externally with SSH or with the TrueNAS built-in rsync task in SSH mode. It is always recommended to use rsync with SSH as a security best practice.

This application is an open source server that provides fast incremental file transfers.

Migrating from TrueNAS Rsync Service

Before you configure the new rsync application:

  • Validate that this application is needed. When rsync is configured externally with SSH or an rsync task is created in Data Protection > Rsync Tasks and Rsync Mode is SSH, the deprecated System Settings > Rsync service is not used or necessary for rsync to function.

  • Disable the rsync service. Go to System Settings > Services and disable the service and clear the Start Automatically checkbox. This prevents the service from re-enabling after a system restart.

  • When necessary, review your rsync and module service settings. Note all host path, access mode type, number of simultaneous connections, user and group IDs, the allow and deny host addresses, and any auxiliary parameter settings.

Installing the Rsyncd Application

After disabling the rsync service, install the rsyncd application. Go to Apps click on Available Applications and locate the rsyncd application widget.

Rsyncd Application Widget
Figure 1: Rsyncd Application Widget

Click Install to open the rsyncd configuration wizard.

Install rsyncd Application Name and Version
Figure 2: Install rsyncd Application Name and Version

Accept the default value or enter a name in Application Name.

If you want to add additional parameters, click Add to the right of Auxilliary Parameters.

Install rsyncd Add Auxilliary Parameters
Figure 3: Install rsyncd Add Auxilliary Parameters

You can specify rsyncd global or module parameters using the Auxilliary Parameters fields.

Accept the default port number rsync listens on, or to change it, enter a new port number in Rsync Port. We recommend that you leave Host Network unselected.

To configure a module, click Add to display the Module Configuration fields. A module creates an alias for a connection (path) you want to use rsync with.

Install rsyncd Add Module Name and Path
Figure 4: Install rsyncd Add Module Name and Path

Enter a name in Module Name. Allowed characters are upper and lowercase alphanumeric characters, numbers, and the underscore (_), hyphen (-) and dot (.). Do not begin or end the name with the special characters.

Use Comment to enter an optional description that displays next to the module name when clients obtain a list of available modules. Default is to leave this field blank.

Leave Enable Module selected, then enter or browse to the location where you want to use rsync (destination path) in Host Path.

Install rsyncd Add Module Access Mode
Figure 5: Install rsyncd Add Module Access Mode

Select the type of access from the Access Mode dropdown list. Specify the maximum number of simultaneous connections you want to allow in Max Connections or accept the default 0 which means unlimited. Accept the default values in UID and GID, or change to the user and group ID you want to use for the connection.

To specify a list of allowed or denied hosts, click Add for each host you want to enter. Leave blank to allow all or deny no hosts.

Install rsyncd Add Module Allow or Deny Hosts
Figure 6: Install rsyncd Add Module Allow or Deny Hosts

Accept the default values in Resources Configuration or enter the CPU and memory values for the destination system.

Install rsyncd Resources Configuration
Figure 7: Install rsyncd Resources Configuration

Click Save.

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