TrueNAS SCALETrueNAS SCALE Version Documentation
This content follows the TrueNAS SCALE 22.12 (Bluefin) releases. Use the Product and Version selectors above to view content specific to different TrueNAS software or major version.

Migrating from MinIO S3

This tutorial provides instructions on migrating from the MinIO S3 Filesystem service deployed through the TrueNAS S3 service, deprecated in SCALE Bluefin and removed in Cobia, to the latest release of the MinIO Server application in Bluefin.

MinIO has deprecated both the S3 Gateway and Filesystem services. MinIO no longer supports these offerings, do not provide a direct upgrade path for either, and require users to migrate from these S3 services to a later release of the MinIO Server.

TrueNAS SCALE offers access to the current MinIO release through the SCALE Bluefin MinIO app. Using the SCALE MinIO app simplifies the installation process by allowing users to install and deploy MinIO in a container pod. SCALE handles the MinIO download and installation process so users only configure their app deployment through the easy to use SCALE app screens. After completing the SCALE MinIO app installation, users log into the MinIO web portal to customize their MinIO deployments.

Community users can follow these instructions to migrate the TrueNAS S3 service to the MinIO Server application, and migrate the MinIO S3 service deployment to new MinIO Server deployment.

TrueNAS Enterprise

TrueNAS Enterprise customers are strongly encouraged to contact iXsystems Support for assistance with the migration process.

Customers who purchase iXsystems hardware or that want additional support must have a support contract to use iXsystems Support Services. The TrueNAS Community forums provides free support for users without an iXsystems Support contract.

Contact MethodContact Options
TelephoneMonday - Friday, 6:00AM to 6:00PM Pacific Standard Time:

US-only toll-free: 1-855-473-7449 option 2
Local and international: 1-408-943-4100 option 2
TelephoneAfter Hours (24x7 Gold Level Support only):

US-only toll-free: 1-855-499-5131
International: 1-408-878-3140 (international calling
rates apply)

Migration Overview

The migration path involves downloading and installing a MinIO Client (MC) release with the required feature and function support to migrate the MinIO S3 deployment.

Users must upgrade SCALE to the latest release of Bluefin and complete the migration process before upgrading to TrueNAS SCALE Cobia or a later major version.

Next, using the MinIO web portal, create a new MinIO app deployment and then migrate the MinIO S3 service deployment to it.

After migrating data, you can either create an archive of the TrueNAS S3 service or delete it.

Finally, you can upgrade Bluefin to Cobia.


  • TrueNAS SCALE upgraded to the latest publicly available release of Bluefin.

  • A TrueNAS system with double the storage capacity used by the S3 service and that does not cause the pool to exceed 80% utilization.

  • A TrueNAS self-signed certificate for the MinIO Enterprise app (not required for the community Charts app).

  • New port number for the MinIO Charts app. Do not use the same port numbers as the S3 service (9000 and 9001). Refer to Default Ports to identify available port numbers. The MinIO Enterprise app can use the default port numbers 30000 and 30001.

  • A MinIO Client (MC) release that supports the commands and functions required to migrate from the S3 service to later MinIO releases. Download and install a MinIO Client (MC) within the RELEASE.2022-06-26T18-51-48Z and RELEASE.2022-10-29T10-09-23Z range.

Migrating the MinIO S3 Service

This procedure uses the MinIO Client (MC), TrueNAS SCALE, and the MinIO web portal.

  1. Create a new dataset named data for the MinIO app. Do not use the same dataset(s) or path(s) consumed by the existing S3 service! For example, if the the existing S3 service path is /tank/s3/data, create a new dataset and path /tank/minio/data to use for the MinIO app.

    You need at least double the storage capacity of the current S3 MinIO deployment on the TrueNAS SCALE system. Data storage should not cause the pool to exceed 80% utilization through the migration process.

    This tutorial uses the same system for the S3 service and the MinIO app deployment. Using a secondary system for storage capacity slows data transfer rates to and from the server.

  2. Identify two new port numbers to use for the community Charts MinIO app. The community Charts MinIO app default ports are the same as the S3 service so select new ports to use. Do not use the existing MinIO S3 service ports (9000 and 9001). See Default Ports for a list of assigned port numbers before deciding on the transitional app port numbers. The Enterprise MinIO app uses ports 30000 and 30001.

  3. Download and install a MinIO Client release on your computer to facilitate the migration. Windows, Linux, and Mac version are available. Select a version that is between RELEASE.2022-06-26T18-51-48Z and RELEASE.2022-10-29T10-09-23Z. Versions outside of this range do not support the commands required to migrate the S3 service deployment to newer MinIO releases. Attempting to use a release outside the provided range can result in migration failure and the MinIO app failing to launch. This procedure uses MC RELEASE.2022-10-29T10-09-23Z.

    This procedure uses the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to install the client, and assumes user familiarity with WSL or standard Linux CLI. You cannot use other PowerShell or other Command Propmpt to execute this command. Open the WSL command-line tool, then enter this command to install the MC client software:

    /mnt/wsl/minio-client$ curl \
    --create-dirs \
    -o $HOME/minio-binaries/mc
    chmod +x $HOME/minio-binaries/mc
    export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/minio-binaries/

    After installation completes, enter mc --version to verify a compatible version installed.

  4. Log into the MinIO web portal to migrate the S3 service configuration settings and bucket(s) with bucket settings. The S3 service does not support commands in the MinIO MC admin utility needed to export/import configuration data from the the S3 service due to the age of the release. Therefore, to migrate the S3 service deployment to the MinIO app deployment you must manually recreate all S3 configuration settings and buckets in the new MinIO deployment.

    1. Log into the MinIO web portal.

      You can have two browser sessions open, one logged into the S3 deployment and the other into the MinIO app deployment, to view the S3 settings while you recreate them in the new deployment.

    2. Manually recreate the all settings including:

      • Configuration settings
      • All users and user mappings
      • All groups and group mappings
      • All access keys for services using the S3 deployment for storage
      • All policies
      • STS users and STS user mappings
      • All buckets and the bucket targets, lifecycle rules, notifications, quotas, locks, and versioning.
    3. Create new access keys to use with any services using MinIO as a data storage object if these access keys did not get saved when initially created.

    4. Create a new bucket for the MinIO app. If the S3 service deployment has multiple buckets, create the same number for the MinIO app deployment. The lifecycle rules, versioning, quotas, and locks for the new buckets should match those applied to the S3 deployment buckets.

      Identically naming the buckets in the new deployment to match the S3 deployment bucket names is not required but the workflow can benefit from identical names.

    After manually recreating all settings and buckets, you can migrate bucket contents with the mc mirror command (see step 8).

  5. Install the TrueNAS MinIO app.

    TrueNAS Enterprise

    TrueNAS Enterprise customers with a active support contract can contact iXsystems Support for assistance with the MinIO Enterprise app.

    The MinIO Enterprise app requires you to create a self-signed certificate.

    Go to Apps > Available Applications, locate the MinIO Charts app widget, then click Install.

    1. Accept both the Application Name and version default values.

    2. Add two arguments. Click Add to the right of Minio Extra Arguments twice to add two Argument fields.

      Enter server in the first Argument field.

      Enter the https://ipaddress/newport#/data in the second Argument field. Do not use the same port numbers the S3 service uses.

      Enter new MinIO administrator login credentials in the Root User and Root Password fields. Do not use the same user credentials as the S3 service. For example, admin and newpa$$w0rd.

    3. Add two environment variables. Click Add to the right of Minio image environment twice to add two sets of environment variable fields.

      Enter MINIO_ROOT_USER in Name and a new admin username in Value in one set of environment variable fields.

      Enter MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD and a new password for the new admin user in the other set of environment variable fields. Passwords are a string of eight to 40 random alphanumeric and special characters.

    4. Add the storage for this app. Leave Mount Path in Pod set to /data, then select the new host path for the dataset created for this app.

    5. (Optional) Edit the Resource Limits to limit the amount of CPU and memory the application can use.

    6. Click Save to complete the TrueNAS app installation/deployment. When complete, the application widget shows on the Installed Applications screen. Start the application.

  6. Create an alias for both the MinIO service deployment and the MinIO app deployment using the MC client software. Use either the Linux or WSL command line to enter this command twice, first for the S3 Service alias, then for the MinIO app alias:

    mc alias set newalias path admin pa$$w0rd


    • newalias is the alias for the S3 service or the MinIO app.
    • path is the system host name or IP and port number, for example, for the S3 service or for the MinIO app.
    • admin is the username for the MinIO web portal.
    • pa$$w0rd is the password for the admin user.
  7. Mirror the S3 service deployment to move bucket data contents to the MinIO app deployment buckets.

    This process can take days to complete based on the amount of data in the S3 service deployment.

    Mirror each bucket, one at a time, and waiting until the first bucket mirror operation completes before starting the next mirror operation. Enter this command using in the WSL or Linux command line tool:

    mc mirror –preserve –watch source/bucket target/bucket


    • source/bucket is the alias for the S3 service and name of the bucket for the service deployment, for example, service/origin.
    • target/bucket is the alias for the MinIO app and the name of the bucket for the app deployment, for example, newapp/destination.

    Wait for the mirror operation to complete before migrating the next bucket.

    The --watch flag monitors the S3 service deployment for new data throughout the process, which allows using the S3 service until the migration process completes but this greatly slows the data transfer. The --watch flag does not end when the transfer completes as it continually looks for new files added to the source. The transfer rate does not reach zero as it is an average throughout the transfer. To verify the transfer completed look at the number of objects and usage sizes of the source and target buckets. Objects should match and the usage size should be similar but can differ slightly due to rounding differences between version.

  8. Verify the migration is successful, then archive the S3 service. Check the MinIO app deployment to make sure it has all the settings, users, groups, policies, and that you can access stored data in the buckets. If everything is correct and you can access your data, either create an S3 archive copy, offline to a backup server, or delete the S3 dataset to free up storage capacity on the TrueNAS SCALE server.

  9. Stop the S3 service in SCALE and disable Start Automatically, then end the MC mirror command using the WSL or Linux CLI (Ctrl C).

  10. Edit the MinIO Charts app configuration port numbers to use the default 9000 and 9001.

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