TrueNAS SCALETrueNAS SCALE Documentation Archive
This content follows the TrueNAS SCALE 22.12 (Bluefin) releases. Archival documentation is provided for reference only and not actively maintained.
Use the Product and Version selectors above to view content specific to different TrueNAS software or major versions.


The SCALE CLI guide is a work in progress! New namespace and command documentation is continually added and maintained, so check back here often to see what is new!

Welcome to the TrueNAS SCALE Command Line Interface (CLI) guide!

The TrueNAS CLI in TrueNAS SCALE functions like a text-based version of the web UI with many functional areas grouped into parent and child namespaces that mirror the counterparts in the SCALE UI.

The underlying structure of the CLI namespaces and commands closely follows that of the SCALE API. For more information on API commands, arguments, options, and definitions go to API Keys and click on API Docs in the SCALE UI.

System Namespace

The system namespace has 23 child namespaces and 19 commands, and is based on functions found in the SCALE API and web UI. It provides access to system configuration methods through the system namespace commands and the child namespaces and their commands.

You can enter commands from the main CLI prompt or from the system namespace prompt.

System Commands

The system namespace has 19 commands based on functions found in the SCALE API and web UI.

You can enter commands from the main CLI prompt or from the system namespace prompt.

Boot_ID Command

The boot_id command returns a unique boot identifier consisting of lowercase aphanumeric characters and dashes.

The boot_id command does not require entering options or arguments. Enter the command, then press Enter. The command returns a unique alphanumeric identifier.

From the CLI prompt, enter:

system boot_id

From the system prompt, enter:


system boot_id

Build_Time Command

The build_time command returns the date and time of the software build installed and running on the system but not the release name and number. Use the version or version_short commands to see the name and number assigned to the software build.

The build_time command does not require entering options or arguments. Enter the command, then press Enter. The command returns the date and time of the software build installed and running on the system.

From the CLI prompt, enter:

system build_time

From the system prompt, enter:


system build_time

Debug Command

The debug command downloads a system debug file to the home directory of the logged in admin user. Specify the file name and extension for the debug file in the command string. Debug files are usually .tgz files but you can use the extension of your choice.

Use a file transfer application such as WinSCP to connect to the system or a share (SMB, NFS, etc.) created on the system to access the file.

Enter the debug command followed by the > and then the filename.ext. Press Enter to begin the download.
The command displays status of logs downloaded.

From the CLI prompt, enter:

system debug > filename.ext

From the system prompt, enter:

debug > filename.ext

where filename is the name of the file and .ext is the file extension

system debug > debugfilename-date.tgz

[0%] …

[0%] Generating debug file…

[6%] Dump Active Directory Configuration…

[12%] Dump Hardware Configuration…

[18%] Dump iSCSI Configuration…

[25%] Dump Kubernetes Configuration…

[31%] Dump LDAP Configuration…

[37%] Dump Network Configuration…

[44%] Dump NFS Configuration…

[50%] Dump SMART Configuration…

[56%] Dump SMB Configuration…

[63%] Dump SSL Configuration…

[69%] Dump Sysctl Configuration…

[75%] Dump System Information…

[81%] Dump ZFS Configuration…

[86%] Compressing System Logs…

[87%] Compressing Debug Files…

[88%] Truncating Debug Files…

[87%] Copying Core Dumps…

[88%] Collecting Additional Information…

[89%] Compressing Archive…

[90%] Debug generation finished…

[90%] Preparing debug file for streaming…

[100%] Preparing debug file for streaming…

[100%] Job output (12320768 bytes) saved at ‘systemdebug-6-15-2023.tgz’

Environment Command

The environment commands returns the environment in which the product is running. Possible values are DEFAULT or EC2.

The environment command does not require entering options or arguments. Enter the command, then press Enter. The environment command returns the current environment in which the product is running.

From the CLI prompt, enter:

system environment

From the system prompt, enter:


system environment

Feature_Enabled Command

The feature_enabled command determines if the feature specified is running. Use to determine if the deduplication, fibre channel or virtual machine (VM) feature is enabled or disabled.

The feature_enabled command uses the feature option to specify one of three system features, DEDUP, FIBRECHANNEL, or VM, to get the enabled/disabled status of that feature. Enter the command string, then press Enter.
The command returns true for an enabled system feature, or false for disabled.

From the CLI prompt, enter:

system feature_enabled feature=option

From the system prompt, enter:

system feature_enabled feature=option

where options is DEDUP, FIBRECHANNEL, or VM.

system feature_enabled feature=DEDUP

Host_ID Command

The host_id command retrieves a hex string that is generated based on the contents of the /etc/hostid file. This is a permanent value that persists across reboots/upgrades and can be used as a unique identifier for the machine.

The host_id command does not require entering options or arguments. Enter the command, then press Enter.
The host_id command returns a string of alphanumeric characters.

From the CLI prompt, enter:

system host_id

From the system prompt, enter:


system host_id

Info Command

The info command returns system information. Information includes:

  • SCALE version and build time
  • System host name
  • Hardware information including phyical memory, cores and physical cores, system product and version, manufacturer
  • System serial number
  • System uptime and uptime seconds, average loading, boot time, and date time
  • System timezone
  • System license

The info command does not require entering options or arguments. Enter the command, then press Enter. The command returns a table of system details.

From the CLI prompt, enter:

system info

From the system prompt, enter:


system info
+---------------- -------+-----------------------------------------+
|                version | TrueNAS-SCALE-22.12.3                   |
|              buildtime | 2023-06-12T15:32:03+00:00               |
|               hostname | mini-02                                 |
|                physmem | 83--793856                              |
|                  model | Intel(r) Atom(TM) CPU  C2750  @ 2.40GHz |
|                  cores | 8                                       |
|         physical_cores | 8                                       |
|                loadavg | 2.08                                    |
|                        | 1.15                                    |
|                        | 0.94                                    |
|                 uptime | 5 days, 20:01:40.210144                 |
|         uptime_seconds | 504100.210143554                        |
|          system_serial | A1-12345                                |
|         system_product | AMZ-FREENAS-MINII-XL-24TB-IXN           |
| System_product_version |To Be Filled By O.E.M.                   |
|                license | <dict>                                  |
|               boottime | 2023-06-14T18:54:41+00:00               |
|               datetime | 2023-06-14T14:56:21+00:00               |
|               birthday | <null>                                  |
|               timezone | America/New_York                        |
|    system_manufacturer | IXSYSTEMS                               |
|             ecc_memory | true                                    |
+---------------- -------+-----------------------------------------+

Is_Freenas Command (Deprecated)

The is_freenas command is deprecated. Use product_type command. Applied to TrueNAS CORE systems.

Is_Stable Command

The is_stable command returns whether the system software version is stable. This command is useful if upgrading from a nightly train of an unreleased version.

The is_stable command does not require entering options or aguments. Enter the command, then press Enter.
The command returns true if stable, false if not.

From the CLI prompt, enter:

system is_stable

From the system prompt, enter:


system is_stable

License_Update Command

The license_update command updates the license file. This is the license added to the system on the System Settings > General screen on the Support widget.

The license_update uses the license option to specify the license to update. Enclose the license string in double quotes. Enter the command, then press Enter.

The command returns you to the CLI prompt.

From the CLI prompt, enter:


From the system prompt, enter:



Product_Name Command

The product_name command returns the name of the product (TrueNAS) in use.

The product_name command does not require an option or argument. Enter the command, then press Enter.
The command returns TrueNAS as the product name.

From the CLI prompt, enter:

system product_name

From the system prompt, enter:


system product_name

Product_Type Command

The product_type command returns the name of the product (SCALE) in use.

The product_type command does not require an option or argument. Enter the command, then press Enter.
The command returns SCALE as the product name.

From the CLI prompt, enter:

system product_type

From the system prompt, enter:


system product_type

Ready Command

The ready command returns whether the system completed the boot process and is ready to use. This command is similar to the state command that provides the status of the system as READY or BOOTING.

The ready command does not require an option or argument. Enter the command, then press Enter.
The command returns true if the boot completed an the system is ready.

From the CLI prompt, enter:

system ready

From the system prompt, enter:


system ready

Reboot Command

The reboot command reboots the system. It is the CLI equivalent to the UI power button option to restart the system.

The reboot command does not require an option or argument. Enter the command, then press Enter. The option to include system-reboot and specify a value exists but is not required to reboot the system.

From the CLI prompt, enter:

system reboot

From the system prompt, enter:


system reboot
[0] ...
[100] ...

Shutdown Command

The shutdown command exits the UI and shuts down the system. It is the CLI equivalent to the UI power button option to shutdown the system.

The shutdown command does not require an option or argument. Enter the command, then press Enter. The option to include system-shutdown and specify a value exists, but is not required to shut down the system.

From the CLI prompt, enter:

system shutdown

From the system prompt, enter:


system shutdown
[0] ...
[100] ...

State Command

The state command returns the current system state as either booting, ready, or shutting down. Use to determine the system state if uncertain of the current state. This command is similar to the ready command that indicates if the system completed the boot process and is ready.

The state command does not require an option or argument. Enter the command, then press Enter. The command returns the current state as BOOTING when the sytem is booting, READY when the system is either not booting or shutting down, or SHUTTING_DOWN if the system is shutting down.

From the CLI prompt, enter:

system state

From the system prompt, enter:


system state

Version Command

The version command returns the system full software version name and number. If uncertain of your SCALE release, enter this or the version_short command to view the currently-installed version number.

The version command does not require an option or argument. Enter the command, then press Enter.

From the CLI prompt, enter:

system version

From the system prompt, enter:


system version

Version_Short Command

The version_short command returns the system software version number. If uncertain of your SCALE release, enter this or the version command to view the currently-installed version name.

The version_short command does not require an option or argument. Enter the command, then press Enter.

From the CLI prompt, enter:

system version_short

From the system prompt, enter:


system version_short

System Namespaces

The following articles provide information on system child namespaces:

  • ACME: Provides information about the system acme namespace in the TrueNAS CLI. Includes command syntax and common commands.

    • Advanced: Provides information about the system advanced namespace in the TrueNAS CLI. Includes command syntax and common commands.

      • Alert: Provides information about the system alert namespace in the TrueNAS CLI. Includes command syntax and common commands.

        • Boot: Provides information about the system boot namespace in the TrueNAS CLI. Includes command syntax and common commands.

          • Bootenv: Provides information about the system bootenv namespace in the TrueNAS CLI. Includes command syntax and common commands.

            • Certificate: Provides information about the system certificate namespace in the TrueNAS CLI. Includes command syntax and common commands.

              • Config: Provides information about the system config namespace in the TrueNAS CLI. Includes command syntax and common commands.

                • Core: Provides information about the system core namespace in the TrueNAS CLI. Includes command syntax and common commands.

                  • Device: Provides information about the system device namespace in the TrueNAS CLI. Includes command syntax and common commands.

                    • Failover: Provides information about the system failover namespace in the TrueNAS CLI. Includes command syntax and common commands.

                      • General: Provides information about the system general namespace in the TrueNAS CLI. Includes command syntax and common commands.

                        • Init_Shutdown_Script: Provides information about the system init_shutdown_script namespace in the TrueNAS CLI. Includes command syntax and common commands.

                          • Keychain_Credential: Provides information about the system keychain_credential namespace in the TrueNAS CLI. Includes command syntax and common commands.

                            • KMIP: Provides information about the system kmip namespace in the TrueNAS CLI. Includes command syntax and common commands.

                              • Mail: Provides information about the system mail namespace in the TrueNAS CLI. Includes command syntax and common commands.

                                • NTP_Server: Provides information about the system ntp_server namespace in the TrueNAS CLI. Includes command syntax and common commands.

                                  • Reporting: Provides information about the system reporting namespace in the TrueNAS CLI. Includes command syntax and common commands.

                                    • Support: Provides information about the system support namespace in the TrueNAS CLI. Includes command syntax and common commands.

                                      • System_Dataset: Provides information about the system system_dataset namespace in the TrueNAS CLI. Includes command syntax and common commands.

                                        • TrueCommand: Provides information about the system truecommand namespace in the TrueNAS CLI. Includes command syntax and common commands.

                                          • Truenas: Provides information about the system truenas namespace in the TrueNAS CLI. Includes command syntax and common commands.

                                            • Tunable: Provides information about the system tunable namespace in the TrueNAS CLI. Includes command syntax and common commands.

                                              • Update: Provides information about the system update namespace in the TrueNAS CLI. Includes command syntax and common commands.