TrueNAS SCALE Documentation Archive
This content follows the TrueNAS SCALE 22.12 (Bluefin) releases. Archival documentation is provided for reference only and not actively maintained.
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5 minute read.
Last Modified 2024-03-19 08:47 EDTThe SCALE CLI guide is a work in progress! New namespace and command documentation is continually added and maintained, so check back here often to see what is new!
The acltemplate
namespace provides the ability to find existing ACL templates, create new or update exiting templates, or delete a template.
The web UI refers to ACL templates as presets.
This namesapce does not assign ACL permissions to a dataset.
The storage
namespace provides access to commands to assign dataset permissions.
The acltemplate namespace has six commands and is based on functions found in the SCALE API and web UI. It provides access to filesystem methods to list, create, edit, or delete ACL templates using the acltemplate commands.
You can enter commands from the main CLI prompt or from the filesystem acltemplate namespace prompt.
The by_path
command retrieves a list of available ACL templates for a given path.
The create
command creates a filesystem ACL template.
The TrueNAS CLI guide for SCALE is a work in progress! Full documentation for this command is still being developed. Check back for updated information.
The delete
command deleted a filesystem acl template from the system.
The TrueNAS CLI guide for SCALE is a work in progress! Full documentation for this command is still being developed. Check back for updated information.
The get_instance
command returns the instance matching the value of the ID number of the ACL template or the query-options-get_instance value specified.
The query
command returns a list of filesystem ACL templates.
The update
command updates the filesystem ACL template for the id
included in the command.
The TrueNAS CLI guide for SCALE is a work in progress! Full documentation for this command is still being developed. Check back for updated information.