TrueNAS SCALETrueNAS SCALE Documentation Archive
This content follows the TrueNAS SCALE 22.12 (Bluefin) releases. Archival documentation is provided for reference only and not actively maintained.
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The TrueNAS CLI guide for SCALE is a work in progress! New namespace and command documentation is continually added and maintained, so check back here often to see what is new!

User Namespace

The user namespace has 14 commands and is based on Users functions found in the SCALE API and web UI. It provides access to user account creation, configuration, and attribute management. You can also set up a local administrator account using this namespace.

User Commands

The following user namespace commands allow you to manage user accounts.

You can enter commands from the main CLI prompt or from the account namespace prompt.

Interactive Argument Editor (TUI)

Create Command

The create command configures a new user account.


create has 19 configuration properties. They are uid, username, group, group_create, home, home_mode, home_create, shell, full_name, email, password, password_disabled, locked, smb, sudo_commands, sudo_commands_nopasswd, sshpubkey, groups, and attributes. A username, full name, primary group, and password status are all required for user creation. For more details, see Create Configuration Properties.

The command returns a blank line.

To confirm the user is created, use get_user_obj or go to Credentials > Local Users in the SCALE Web UI.


From the CLI prompt, enter:

account user create username=testuser full_name="Test User" group_create=true password=passwort1234

Press Enter

From the account prompt, enter:

user create username=testuser full_name="Test User" group_create=true password=passwort1234

Press Enter

Where testuser is the desired username, Test User is the user’s full name, true is a boolean value, and passwort1234 is the desired password for the account.

This command contains the minimum required properties to successfully create a user.
account user create username=testuser full_name="Test User" group_create=true password=passwort1234

Create Configuration Properties

create has 19 available properties for account configuration. They are uid, username, group, group_create, home, home_mode, home_create, shell, full_name, email, password, password_disabled, locked, smb, sudo_commands, sudo_commands_nopasswd, sshpubkey, groups, and attributes. Property arguments use the = delimiter to separate the property and value. For example, uid=3000. See the table below for details.

uidIntegerNoSpecifies the User Identification number (UID). If a UID is not provided, it is automatically filled with the next one available.
Ex: uid=3000
  Where 3000 is an available UID number.
usernameStringYesSets the account username.
Ex. username=testuser
  Where testuser is the desired username.
groupInteger or StringYes*Assigns the account to an existing group.
Ex. group=value
  Where value is the group name or Group Identification number (GID).
*Required when group_create is set to false.
group_createBooleanYes*If set to true, creates a new group based on username and assigns the account to it. Default state is false.
Ex. group_create=true
  Where true is a boolean variable.
*Required when an existing group is not assigned.
homeStringNoSets a home directory for the account. Defaults to /nonexistent if not defined.
Requires home_create=true if the desired directory does not exist.
Ex. home="/mnt/tank/staff/"
  Where /mnt/tank/staff/ is an existing directory.
home_modeStringNoSets home directory permissions using octal permission values. Defaults to 700.
Ex. home_mode= 700
  Where 700 is an octal value representing the desired permission mode.
home_createBooleanNoIf set to true, creates a new home directory for the user within a selected path defined by home. Default state is false. Reverts to default after the directory is created.
Ex. home="/mnt/tank/" home_create=true
  Where /mnt/tank/ is the desired parent path and true is a boolean variable.
  This command creates a new home directory at /mnt/tank/. The directory name is the account username.
shellStringNoSets which shell option the user accesses when entering Shell via the TrueNAS SCALE Web UI. Defaults to /usr/bin/zsh if not defined.
Available choices can be retrieved with user.shell_choices.
Ex. shell="/usr/bin/bash"
  Where /usr/bin/bash is the desired shell choice.
full_nameStringYesSets the user full name for the account.
Ex. full_name="Test User"
  Where Test User is the user’s full name.
emailString or NullNoSets the account email address.
Ex. email=""
  Where is the user email address.
passwordStringYes*Assigns a password to the account.
Ex. password=passw0rt
  Where passw0rt is the desired password.
*Required when password_disabled is set to false.
password_disabledBooleanYes*Sets whether to disable or require a password for account log in. Default state is false, password required.
Ex. password_disabled=true
  Where true is a boolean variable.
*Required when password is not defined.
lockedBooleanNoIf set to true, prevents the user from logging in or using password-based services until this property is unset. Locking an account is only possible when Disable Password is false and a Password has been created for the account. Defaults to false.
Ex. locked=true
  Where true is a boolean variable.
smbBooleanNoEnables or disables authentication of SMB shares for the user. Defaults to true.
Enabling SMB authentication on an account where it was previously disabled requires setting a new password.
Ex. smb=false
  Where false is a boolean variable.
sudo_commandsArrayNoSets any sudo commands the user is allowed to use. Security best practice is to limit sudo permissions to administrative users.
Ex. sudo_commands="</path1/>,</path2/>"
  Where </path1/> and </path2/> are absolute paths to the location of executable scripts or packages.
  You can also use sudo_commands="ALL"
sudo_commands_nopasswdArrayNoSets any sudo commands the user is allowed to use without entering a password. Exercise caution when allowing sudo commands without password prompts. It is recommended to limit this privilege to trusted users and specific commands to minimize security risks.
Ex. sudo_commands_nopasswd="</path1/>,</path2/>"
  Where </path1/> and </path2/> are absolute paths to the location of executable scripts or packages.
  You can also use sudo_commands_nopasswd="ALL", but this is not recommended.
sshpubkeyString or NullNoAdds a public SSH key of the user for any key-based authentication. Do not enter the private key.
User account must have a defined home directory to store an SSH key.
Ex. sshpubkey="<key>"
  Where <key> is the SSH public key string.
groupsArrayNoAssigns the user to one or more auxiliary groups.
Ex. groups=news,staff,testuser
  Where news,staff,testuser are the names of desired groups.
attributesObjectNoThe attributes dictionary is a general-purpose object for storing arbitrary user information. This property can be used to store custom metadata and other information relevant to the user. Custom keys and corresponding values can relate to specfic needs and use cases.
Ex. attributes={"favorite_color": "blue"}
  Where favorite_color is a new or existing key and blue is a corresponding value.

Delete Command

The delete command erases an existing user account.


The command returns a blank line.

To confirm the user is deleted, use get_user_obj or go to Credentials > Local Users in the SCALE Web UI.

By default, the user delete command also deletes the users’s primary group if it is not being used by another user. The delete_group option set to false retains the user’s primary group.


From the CLI prompt, enter:

account user delete id=3001

Press Enter

From the account prompt, enter:

user delete id=3001

Press Enter

Where 3001 is the user ID number for the account.

account user delete id=<UID>

Use the delete_group option to retain the user’s primary group.

account user delete id=<UID> options={"delete_group": false}

Get_Instance Command

The TrueNAS CLI guide for SCALE is a work in progress! Full documentation for this command is still being developed. Check back for updated information.

The get_instance command retrieves information about a user such as their username, UID (User ID), group membership, permissions, and other relevant attributes.

Get_Next_Uid Command

The get_next_uid command displays the next available user identification number (UID).


The get_next_uid command does not require entering properties or values.

get_next_uid returns the next available UID in numerical order. Default behavior begins identification number for local users at 3000.


From the CLI prompt, enter:

account user get_next_uid

Press Enter

From the account prompt, enter:

user get_next_uid

Press Enter

account user get_next_uid

Get_User_Obj Command

The get_user_obj command returns dictionary containing information from struct passwd for the user and bypasses user cache.


The get_user_obj command returns username, account UID, primary group GID, full name (displayed as pw_gecos), home directory, and shell preference setting.

The user account can be specified using either the username or UID.

get_user_obj has two additional options. The get_groups option includes the user’s assigned groups in the command results. Results do not include nested groups for Active Directory users.

The sid_info option retrieves the Security Identifier (SID) and domain information for the user. In some instances retrieving SID and domain information makes the operation hang until the winbindd request timeout has been reached if the winbindd connection manager has not yet marked the domain as offline. Check the Active Directory service state prior to batch operations using this option.


From the CLI prompt, enter:

account user get_user_obj get_user_obj={“uid”: 3001}

Press Enter

From the account prompt, enter:

user get_user_obj get_user_obj={“uid”: 3001}

Press Enter

Where 3001 is the id number for the targeted account.

You can also use get_user_obj={“username”: “testuser”}, where testuser is the username of the targeted account.

account user get_user_obj get_user_obj={"username": "testuser", "get_groups": true, "sid_info": true}
|   pw_name | testuser     |
|    pw_uid | 3000         |
|    pw_gid | 65534        |
|  pw_gecos | Test User    |
|    pw_dir | /nonexistent |
|  pw_shell | /usr/bin/zsh |
| grouplist | 65534        |
|           | 3000         |
|           | 3009         |
|           | 545          |
|           | 3022         |
|           | 3002         |
|  sid_info | <null>       |

Has_Local_Administrator_Set_Up Command

The has_local_administrator_set_up command returns whether a local administrator account with a valid password exists.


The has_local_administrator_set_up command does not require entering properties or values.


From the CLI prompt, enter:

account user has_local_administrator_set_up

From the account prompt, enter:

user has_local_administrator_set_up

account user has_local_administrator_set_up

Has_Root_Password Command

The has_root_password command is a deprecated method. Use the has_local_administrator_set_up command instead.

Starting with SCALE Bluefin 22.12.0, root account logins are deprecated for security hardening and to comply with Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS). All TrueNAS users should create a local administrator account with all required permissions and begin using it to access TrueNAS. When the root user password is disabled, only an administrative user account can log in to the TrueNAS web interface.

A future update of TrueNAS SCALE will permanently disable root account access.

Pop_Attribute Command

The pop_attribute command removes attributes, defined by a key, from a user dictionary. See also set_attribute and Create Configuration Properties.


Use pop_attribute to manage custom account attributes. Use cases for the attributes storage object include custom user metadata, access control, user categorization, integration with external systems, and automation and policies.

The command returns true if the attribute is successfully deleted. The command returns false if the specified key or user attribute does not exist.


From the CLI prompt, enter:

account user pop_attribute id=3001 key="favorite_color"

Press Enter

From the account prompt, enter:

account user pop_attribute id=3001 key="favorite_color"

Press Enter

Where 3001 is the UID of the target account and favorite_color is the account dictionary key to erase.

account user pop_attribute id=3001 key="favorite_color"

Query Command

The TrueNAS CLI guide for SCALE is a work in progress! Full documentation for this command is still being developed. Check back for updated information.

The query command retrieves information about a user or users and can use various query-filters and query-options.


Enter the command with no additional attributes or properties to perform a basic query of all local users.

Add additional properties to return the value of the specified key(s) for all users. There are 23 query properties available.


Expanded information may be requested by specifying the extra option "extra": {"additional_information": []}.

There are two additional_information options supported.

SMBIncludes Windows SID and NT Name for user. If this option is not specified, then these keys have null value.
DSIncludes users from Directory Service (LDAP or Active Directory) in results


From the CLI prompt, enter:

account user query

Press Enter

From the account prompt, enter:

user query

Press Enter

| uid | username  | unixhash   | smbhash    | home     | shell | full_name    | builtin | smb     | password_disabled | locked | sudo_commands | sudo_commands_nopasswd | attributes | email      | group  | groups      | sshpubkey | immutable |
| 0   | root      | *          |            | /root    | /...  | root         | true    | false   | true            | false  | <empty list>  | <empty list>           | <dict>     | <null>     | <dict> | b..._administrators | <null>    | true      |
| 1   | daemon    | *          |            | /root    | /...  | Owner...     | true    | false   | false           | false  | <empty list>  | <empty list>           | <dict>     | <null>     | <dict> | <empty list> | <null>    | true      |

Additional properties included in the command string return specific information.

account user query uid
| uid   |
| 0     |
| 1     |
| 2     |
| 5     |
| 9     |
| 6     |
| 111   |
| 13    |
| 10    |

query can also return information about a specific user.

Set_Attribute Command

The set_attribute command sets a user’s general purpose attributes dictionary key to a specified value. See also pop_attribute and Create Configuration Properties.


Use set_attribute to manage custom account attributes. Use cases for the attributes storage object include custom user metadata, access control, user categorization, integration with external systems, and automation and policies.


From the CLI prompt, enter:

account user set_attribute id=3001 key="favorite_color" value="blue"

Press Enter

From the account prompt, enter:

user set_attribute id=3001 key="favorite_color" value="blue"

Press Enter

Where 3001 is the UID of the account to update, favorite_color is the desired property, and blue is the corresponding value.

account user set_attribute id=3001 key="favorite_color" value="blue"

Set_Root_Password Command

The set_root_password command is a deprecated method. Use the setup_local_administrator command instead.

Starting with SCALE Bluefin 22.12.0, root account logins are deprecated for security hardening and to comply with Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS). All TrueNAS users should create a local administrator account with all required permissions and begin using it to access TrueNAS. When the root user password is disabled, only an administrative user account can log in to the TrueNAS web interface.

A future update of TrueNAS SCALE will permanently disable root account access.

Setup_Local_Administrator Command

The setup_local_administrator command creates and configures an admin account. It can be used during initial configuration.

The setup_local_administrator command only works if both a local administrator and root password have not been configured. This means that you have either performed a fresh install of SCALE, and chose to not configure an admin or root password in the TrueNAS Console installer, or you have reset configuration to defaults and have not yet logged in to the SCALE Web UI. If either a local administrator or a root password exist, this command returns Error: Local administrator is already set up.


Enter the CLI from the Console setup menu before configuring a local administrator or root user account.

The command returns a blank line.

To confirm the administrator is set up, use has_local_administrator_set_up, get_user_obj, or log in to the SCALE Web UI using the admin username and password.


From the CLI prompt, enter:

account user setup_local_administrator username:admin password:passw0rt

Press Enter

From the account prompt, enter:

user setup_local_administrator username:admin password:passw0rt

Press Enter

Where passw0rt is the desired admin account password.

setup_local_administrator accepts only “admin” or “root” for username. It is recommended to use “admin.” Root user access is a deprecated method.
account user setup_local_administrator username:admin password:passw0rt

Shell_Choices Command

The shell_choices command returns the shell choices available to user accounts.


Enter the command with no additional properties to return shell choices available to all users.

Add a UID number to return the available shell choices for a specific account.


From the CLI prompt, enter:

account user shell_choices

Press Enter

From the account prompt, enter:

user shell_choices

Press Enter

account user shell_choices
| /usr/sbin/nologin | nologin |
|     /usr/bin/bash | bash    |
|    /usr/bin/rbash | rbash   |
|     /usr/bin/dash | dash    |
|       /usr/bin/sh | sh      |
|      /usr/bin/zsh | zsh     |
|     /usr/bin/tmux | tmux    |

account user shell_choices user_id=3000 +-------------------+---------+ | /usr/sbin/nologin | nologin | | /usr/bin/bash | bash | | /usr/bin/rbash | rbash | | /usr/bin/dash | dash | | /usr/bin/sh | sh | | /usr/bin/zsh | zsh | | /usr/bin/tmux | tmux | +-------------------+---------+

Where 3000 is the UID of the target account.

Update Command

The update command updates the attributes of an existing user. For available properties, see create.


Syntax and available properties for update closely follow those of create.

The command returns a blank line.

To confirm the user is updated, use get_user_obj or go to Credentials > Local Users in the SCALE Web UI.


From the CLI prompt, enter:

account user update uid_or_username=3001

Enter all properties and corresponding values to update.

Press Enter

From the account prompt, enter:

user update uid_or_username=3001

Enter all properties and corresponding values to update.

Press Enter

Where 3001 represents the UID or user name of the target account.

account user update uid_or_username=3001 email=""

The command as written updates the email address for the account with UID 3001 to

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