TrueNAS SCALETrueNAS SCALE Documentation Archive
This content follows the TrueNAS SCALE 22.12 (Bluefin) releases. Archival documentation is provided for reference only and not actively maintained.
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The TrueNAS CLI guide for SCALE is a work in progress! New namespace and command documentation is continually added and maintained, so check back here often to see what is new!

Welcome to the TrueNAS SCALE Command Line Interface (CLI) guide!

The TrueNAS CLI in TrueNAS SCALE functions like a text-based version of the web UI with many functional areas grouped into parent and child namespaces that mirror the counterparts in the SCALE UI.

The underlying structure of the CLI namespaces and commands closely follows that of the SCALE API. For more information on API commands, arguments, options, and definitions go to API Keys and click on API Docs in the SCALE UI.

Group Namespace

The group namespace contains eight commands and is based on functions found in the SCALE API and web UI. It provides access to group account creation, configuration, and management.

User Commands

The following group namespace commands allow you to manage groups.

You can enter commands from the main CLI prompt or from the system namespace prompt.

Interactive Argument Editor (TUI)

Create Command

The create command creates a new group.


create has seven configuration properties. They are gid, name, smb, sudo_commands, sudo_commands_nopasswd, allow_duplicate_gid, and users. The only required property is name. If a group identification number is not provided, it is automatically filled with the next one available. For more details, see Create Configuration Properties.

Enter the command, then press Enter. The command returns a blank line.

To confirm the group is created, use get_group_obj or go to Credentials > Local Groups in the SCALE Web UI.


From the CLI prompt, enter:

account group create name=name

Press Enter

From the account prompt, enter:

group create name=name

Press Enter

Where name is the desired group name.

account group create name=TestGroup gid=3022 smb=false users=[3000,3001]

Where 3022 is the group id number, TestGroup is the group name, false is a boolean value, and 3000,3001 are user id numbers for group members.

Create Configuration Properties

create has one required and six optional properties for group configuration. name is required. The optional properties are gid, smb, sudo_commands, sudo_commands_nopasswd, allow_duplicate_gid, and users. Property arguments use the = delimiter to separate the property and value. For example, gid=3000. See the table below for details.

gidIntegerNoAssigns the group identification number. If gid is not provided it is automatically filled with the next one available.
Ex. gid=3005
  Where 3005 is an available GID number.
nameStringYesSets the group name.
Ex. name=TestGroup
  Where TestGroup is the desired group name.
smbBooleanNoSets whether the group should be mapped into an NT group for Windows SMB sharing. Defaults to true.
Ex. smb=false
  Where false is a boolean value.
sudo_commandsArrayNoSets any sudo commands group members are allowed to use. Security best practice is to limit sudo permissions to administrative users.
Ex. sudo_commands="path1,path2"
  Where path1 and path2 are absolute paths to the location of executable scripts or packages.
  You can also use sudo_commands="ALL"
sudo_commands_nopasswdArrayNoSets any sudo commands group members are allowed to use without entering a password. Exercise caution when allowing sudo commands without password prompts. It is recommended to limit this privilege to trusted users and specific commands to minimize security risks.
Ex. sudo_commands_nopasswd="path1,path2"
  Where path1 and path2 are absolute paths to the location of executable scripts or packages.
  You can also use sudo_commands_nopasswd="ALL", but this is not recommended.
allow_duplicate_gidBooleanNoIf set to true, allows distinct group names to share the same group identification number. Defaults to false.
Important: Use only if absolutely necessary. Duplicate GIDs can lead to unexpected behavior.
Ex. allow_duplicate_gid=true
  Where true is a boolean value.
usersArray or IntegerNoAssigns users to the group with a list of one or more user identification numbers (UIDs).
Ex. users=[3001,3002]
  Where 3001 and 3002 are UID numbers for group members.

Delete Command

The delete command erases an existing group.


If the delete_group option is set to true, the command also deletes any user with the target as its primary group. delete_group defaults to false.

The command returns a blank line.

To confirm the group is deleted, use get_group_obj or navigate to Credentials > Local Groups in the SCALE Web UI.


From the CLI prompt, enter:

account group delete id=3000

Press Enter.

From the account prompt, enter:

group delete id=3000

Press Enter.

account group delete id=3000 options={"delete_group": true}

Where 3000 is the group identification number and true is a boolean value.

options={"delete_group": true} deletes any users whose primary group matches the deleted group. Carefully consider affected users before adding this option.

Get_Group_Obj Command

The get_group_obj command returns dictionary containing information from struct grp including group name, identification number, and group members.


The target group can be specified by group name or GID.

The command returns a list of basic information about the group.


From the CLI prompt, enter:

account group get_group_obj get_group_obj={“groupname”: “TestGroup”}

Press Enter.

From the account prompt, enter:

group get_group_obj get_group_obj={“groupname”: “TestGroup”}

Press Enter.

Where TestGroup is the name of the target group.

account group get_group_obj get_group_obj={"groupname": "TestGroup"}
| gr_name | TestGroup  |
|  gr_gid | 3002       |
|  gr_mem | testuser   |
|         | AttTest    |

The target group can also be specified by group identification number.

account group get_group_obj get_group_obj={"gid": 3002}
| gr_name | TestGroup  |
|  gr_gid | 3002       |
|  gr_mem | testuser   |
|         | AttTest    |

Where 3002 is the GID number for the target group.

Get_Instance Command

The TrueNAS CLI guide for SCALE is a work in progress! Full documentation for this command is still being developed. Check back for updated information.

The get_instance command retrieves information about a group.

Get_Next_Gid Command

The get_next_gid command displays the next available group identification (GID) number.


get_next_gid returns the next available GID in numerical order. Default behavior begins identification number for local groups at 3000.


From the CLI prompt, enter:

account group get_next_gid

Press Enter

From the account prompt, enter:

group get_next_gid

Press Enter

account group get_next_gid

Has_Password_Enabled_User Command

The has_password_enabled_user command checks whether at least one local user with a password enabled is a member of one or more provided groups.


Target groups are specified by group identification number (GID). Returns a single boolean value for all targeted groups.

The exclude_user_ids option sets specified password enabled users to ignore.

has_password_enabled_user returns a single boolean value for the entire list of GIDs queried. If more than one group is included in the query, the command does not return group specific information.


From the CLI prompt, enter:

account group has_password_enabled_user gids=3001

Press Enter

From the account prompt, enter:

group has_password_enabled_user gids=3001

Press Enter

Where 3001 represents the GID(s) to query.

account group has_password_enabled_user gids=3001

account group has_password_enabled_user gids=3002 true
account group has_password_enabled_user gids=3001,3002 true

Query Command

The TrueNAS CLI guide for SCALE is a work in progress! Full documentation for this command is still being developed. Check back for updated information.

The query command retrieves information about a group or groups and can use various query-filters and query-options.


Enter the command with no additional attributes or properties to perform a basic query of all local groups.

Add additional properties to return the value of the specified key(s) for all groups. There are 13 query properties available.


Expanded information may be requested by specifying the extra option "extra": {"additional_information": []}.

There are two additional_information options supported.

SMBIncludes Windows SID and NT Name for group. If this option is not specified, then these keys have null value.
DSIncludes groups from Directory Service (LDAP or Active Directory) in results


From the CLI prompt, enter:

account group query

Press Enter

From the account prompt, enter:

group query

Press Enter

account group query
| gid   | name                   | builtin | sudo_commands | sudo_commands_nopasswd | smb   | users            | local | id_type_both | nt_name | sid    |
| 0     | wheel                  | true    | <empty list>  | <empty list>           | false | root             | true  | false        | <null>  | <null> |
| 1     | daemon                 | true    | <empty list>  | <empty list>           | false | daemon           | true  | false        | <null>  | <null> |
| 15    | kmem                   | true    | <empty list>  | <empty list>           | false | <empty list>     | true  | false        | <null>  | <null> |
| 3     | sys                    | true    | <empty list>  | <empty list>           | false | sys              | true  | false        | <null>  | <null> |
| 5     | tty                    | true    | <empty list>  | <empty list>           | false | <empty list>     | true  | false        | <null>  | <null> |
| 37    | operator               | true    | <empty list>  | <empty list>           | false | uucp             | true  | false        | <null>  | <null> |
| 8     | mail                   | true    | <empty list>  | <empty list>           | false | mail             | true  | false        | <null>  | <null> |
| 2     | bin                    | true    | <empty list>  | <empty list>           | false | bin              | true  | false        | <null>  | <null> |
| 9     | news                   | true    | <empty list>  | <empty list>           | false | news             | true  | false        | <null>  | <null> |

Additional properties included in the command string return specific information.

account group query gid
| gid   |
| 0     |
| 1     |
| 15    |
| 3     |
| 5     |
| 37    |
| 8     |
| 2     |
| 9     |

query can also return information about a specific group.

Update Command

The update command updates the attributes of an existing group. For available properties, see Create Configuration Properties.


Syntax and available properties for update closely follow those of create.

The command returns a blank line.

To confirm the group is updated, use get_group_obj or navigate to Credentials > Local Groups in the SCALE Web UI.


From the CLI prompt, enter:

account group update gid_or_name=3006 users=3001

From the account prompt, enter:

group update

Where 3006 is the identification number or GID for the target group and users=3001 represents the property(s) to update.

account group update gid_or_name=3006 users=3001

The command as written adds the user with UID 3001 to the group with GID 3006.

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