TrueNAS CORETrueNAS CORE Nightly Development Documentation
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Use the Storage Pools screens to add or manage storage pools on your TrueNAS. The Pools screen displays a table of all the pools and datasets configured in your TrueNAS.

Storage Pools Screen
Figure 1: Storage Pools Screen

Use the to display the Pools Actions dropdown list of pool operations.

Use ADD to display the Import Pool configuration wizard screens.

Use the   for the root dataset to display the Action Menu for the root dataset which is different than the options for nested datasets. Use the   for nested datasets to display the Action Menu for nested datasets. See Datasets Screen for more information on dataset screens.

Import Pools Screens

The import pool wizard has four configuration screens that allow you to add a new pool or import an existing pool based on the selection made.

Create or Import Pool Screen

Create or Import Pool Screenr
Figure 2: Create or Import Pool Screen

Select the Create new Pool radio button to add a new pool and configure each setting.

Select the Import an existing pool to import an existing pool. See Importing a Pool for more information.

Use the CREATE POOL button to display the Create Pool screen which is the Pool Manager screen.

Pools Actions Dropdown List

Storage Pools Action Options
Figure 3: Storage Pools Action Options

Pools Options

Displays a dialog with the Auto TRIM and Confirm checkoboxes. Auto TRIM allows TrueNAS to periodically check the pool disks for storage blocks it can reclaim.


Displays a dialog with a warning about unavailable data, backing up data before exporting/disconnecting, and lists services that could be disrupted by the process. Select from the three options:

Destroy data on this pool?Select to destroy data on the pool disks.
Delete configuration of shares that used this pool?Selected by default to delete share configurations listed.
Confirm Export/DisconnectActivates the Export/Disconnect button.
Export/DisconnectUse to display the confirmation dialog where you must enter the name of the pool and confirm you want to proceed with this operation.

Use CANCEL to exit the process and close the dialog.

Add Vdev

Displays the Pool Manager screen.

Add Vdevs Screen
Figure 4: Add Vdevs Screen

Use CANCEL to exit without saving and display the Pools screen.

Use ADD VDEVS to add vdevs to the exiting pool.

Scrub Pool

Displays a start-scrub confirmation dialog. Select Confirm to activate the START SCRUB button. Use CANCEL to exit back to the Pools screen without starting the scrub.

Expand Pool

Displays the Pool Status screen which displays the status of the pool, the datasets and the disks for the selected pool. Select the   to display the options available to datasets and disks. Use the Expand Pool function to add a new disk to a single-disk stripe pool in order to create or re-create a mirror pool, if the disk capacity of the new disk meets the requirements.

Pool Manager Screen

The Pool Manager screen displays after selecting either the Create new Pool radio button on the Create or Import Pool screen or the Add Vdev option for an existing pool.

Pool Manager adds the initial vdev when you create the pool or want to add to an existing pool. At initial creation you have the option to select the type of vdev for this pool. When accessing Pool Manager for an existing pool from the Pool Actions dropdown and selecing Add Vdev, the pool vdev type is already specified and limits what you can add as a Data type vdev. For example, a pool with a mirror vdev requires you to add a minimum of two disks to the existing mirror. In order to transform a single disk stripe to a mirror, use Expand Pool.

Storage Create Pool Screen
Figure 5: Storage Create Pool Screen
NameDisplays the name of the pool for which you are adding the vdev.
EncryptionSelect to apply encryption to the storage pool. All datasets created on an encrypted pool inherit encryption from this root dataset.
RESET LAYOUTClick to reset the proposed layout displayed. Click before you save to remove any vdev types selected and move disks assigned to any vdev back to the Available Disks list.
ADD VDEVDisplays a dropdown list of the types of vdevs on the system. Vdev types are Data, Cache, Log, Hot Spare, Metadata or Dedup. Click to add vdev types to an existing or new pool vdev setup.
Available DisksList of available disks on the TrueNAS. Select the checkbox to the left of the disk and then select the blue to the right of the vdev type (if more than one vdev type exists or is added with the ADD VDEV button) to move the disks to that vdev. To move it back to the Available Disks list select the disk checkbox(es) and the blue .
Data VDevsList of disks assigned to the vdev(s). To move disks back to the Available Disks list select the disk checkbox(es) and the blue symbol.
vdev typeDisplays under the Data Vdevs table(s). For an existing pool, the default vdev type is the vdev type for that existing pool. For initial pool creation, the default type is Stripe. After adding disks to the Data VDevs a expand symbol displays with avaialbe options to change the default type of vdev (for example, if two disks are moved to a Data VDev, the Mirror option displays along with Strip).
Estimated raw capacity: 0 BDisplays the raw storage capacity of the disks for the data vdev type.
Filter disks by nameClick on to display the field where you enter the filter or search parameters.
Filter disks by capacityClick on to display the field where you enter the filter or search parameters.

Use CANCEL to exit without saving and display the Pools screen.

Use CREATE to add the pool vdev.

Use ADD VDEVS to add vdevs to the exiting pool.

Pool Status Screen

The Pool Status screen which displays the status of the pool, the datasets and the disks for the selected pool.

Pool Status Screenr
Figure 6: Pool Status Screen

Each Dataset has two options available from the  . Select either Extend which displays the Extend Vdev dialog that allows you to select a new disk from a dropdown list, or Remove which displays a confirmation dialog before you remove the dataset from the pool.

Each disk has four options available from the  :

Edit displays the Edit Pool Disk screen where you can change disk settings.

Offline displays the Offline Disk conformation dialog where you confirm you want to offline the disk. Select the Confirm checkbox to activate the OFFLINE button or click CANCEL to exit the dialog and return to the Pool Status screen.

Replace displays the Replacing disk dialog where you select the member disk from a dropdown list. Use Force to override safety checks and add the disk to the pool. Warning, this erases data on the disk!

Detach displays the Detach Disk dialog where you must select Confirm before the DETACH button activates. This detaches the disk from the pool.

Edit Pool Disk Screen

The Edit Pool Disk screen displays disk configutation settings.

Edit Pool Disk Screen
Figure 7: Edit Pool Disk Screen

Settings on the Edit Pool Disk screen are the same as those on the Storage > Disks > Edit Disk screen. See Disk Screens for more information on disk settings.

Pools Edit Permissions Screen

Use the Edit Permissions option on the parent dataset Dataset Actions menu to display the Edit Permissions screen. This option is only availble on the parent dataset. See Dataset Screens and Setting Up Permissions for more information on pool and dataset permissions.

Pools Contents