
TrueNAS Quality Lifecycle

Release StageCompleted QA CyclesTypical UseDescription
ALPHA1TestersNot much field testing
BETA2EnthusiastsMajor Feature Complete, but expect some bugs
RC4Home UsersSuitable for non-critical deployments
RELEASE6General UseSuitable for less complex deployments
U17Business UseSuitable for more complex deployments
U2+8Larger SystemsSuitable for higher uptime deployments

January 15, 2021

iXsystems is pleased to announce the general availability of TrueNAS 12.0-U1.1! This is a minor version release to work around a critical ZFS issue that could impact systems with a rare but serious issue with data integrity under some very uncommon access patterns. To date iXsystems has only observed these issues while running with some very specific virtualization workloads, however ALL TrueNAS 12.0 or higher users are encouraged to upgrade their systems immediately to 12.0-U1.1 out of an overabundance of caution.

TrueNAS Enterprise customers with 12.0 installed can always contact iXsystems Support for assistance upgrading their TrueNAS deployments.

Contacting iXsystems Support

Customers who purchase iXsystems hardware or that want additional support must have a support contract to use iXsystems Support Services. The TrueNAS Community forums provides free support for users without an iXsystems Support contract.

iXsystems Customer Support
Support Portalhttps://support.ixsystems.com
Telephone and Other Resourceshttps://www.ixsystems.com/support/

TrueNAS 12.0-U1.1 Changelog

  • NAS-108627 : While the underlying ZFS issue causing the instability is being resolved, there has been a temporary reversion of the ZFS CFA patch. This means that Asynchronous Copy-on-Write is temporarily disabled in TrueNAS 12.0-U1.1, with the goal to re-enable this functionality in a later TrueNAS 12.0 update release after this issue has been fully resolved.

Known Issues

NAS-107151Replication fails between legacy TrueNAS 9.10 systems and 12.0-BETA1 systems.Due to numerous improvements in the replication engine and ZFS, FreeNAS/TrueNAS 9.10 systems (or earlier) can no longer replicate to or from TrueNAS 12.0. Update the legacy TrueNAS system to FreeNAS/TrueNAS 11.3 or newer.
NAS-106992Persistent L2ARC is disabled by default.While the underlying issues have been fixed, this setting continues to be disabled by default for additional performance investigation. To manually reactivate persistent L2ARC, log in to the TrueNAS Web Interface, go to System > Tunables, and add a new tunable with these values:
  • Type = sysctl
  • Variable = vfs.zfs.l2arc.rebuild_enabled
  • Value = 1
TrueNAS "root" user account cannot be an SMB user.This is an intentional change to improve software security and suitability for deployment in a variety of environments. Update the SMB configuration to use a different user account.
NAS-108580U1 update is incorrectly flagged as "Not a Production Release"This warning is a result of the Enterprise train not being activated yet and can be safely ignored. This will be automatically corrected on February 2nd, 2021 when the Enterprise update train is activated.
Performance regressions on some Intel and Chelsio Cards vs 11.X SeriesOur team is aware of some performance regressions when using Intel and Chelsio Network Devices on TrueNAS 12.0. These issues have been identified in upstream FreeBSD 12.2 and fixes are now pending to resolve these regressions. An update release will be issued in the near future.